First and foremost I would like to wish all of my friends and family a Merry Christmas. With a 32 month old running around in my house, we are anxiously awaiting for Santa to come by and bring some gifts. As it is getting later and later I looking forward to Noel going to sleep and then allowing the magic to happen. Although Christmas is a little tighter this year with the loss of my job, we are doing everything we can to make this a memorable event for my girl. I would like to thank both my family and friends that have really gone out of their way to help my family out this year.
I actually saw Santa earlier this evening riding his bike. What a great sight!!!
Those two words remind me of a time when I was a lot younger and walking into a Record Bar in the Tanglewood Mall in Roanoke VA back in the Fall of 1994. It was the day that I was formally introduced to Dream Theater and also the beginning of a lifetime of love for everything that is Dream Theater. The album was Awake. I had heard of Dream Theater prior to this but I was in a stage in my life that I hadn't explored what would become, in my opinion, the greatest progressive metal band in the world. This was their 3rd album, the second released under Atlantic Records. Their first album on Atlantic from Dream Theater was Images & Words. Prior to that Dream Theater released the less than popular debut album When Dream and Day Unite. Until I had experienced Awake, I had never given DT a chance. As a guitarist I was aware of who John Petrucci was at that time. After one listen to Awake, I knew who John Petrucci was. Guitarist extraordinaire! Among the talent around him, Petrucci was a true master of the 6 string and long before the likes of Korn, he was in line with Steve Vai with the use of a 7 string. Before this blog starts to sound like Petrucci worship I must go on and discuss the rest of the "core". Now former drummer Mike Portnoy and bassist John Myung rounded out this masterful band of elite artists. This trio met and started together at the Berklee School of Music in Massachusetts. That was where the magic began. The rest of band is currently made up of vocalist James Labrie and Keyboardist Jordan Rudess. With the exception of Rudess, this is the lineup that made incredible music for over 25 years. I will admit that back on September 8th, 2010 when Mike Portnoy stepped away from DT and announced that he had quit, it was a sad day in my life. I mean Portnoy was part of the core of Dream Theater and master drummer. As of today, the replacement drummer has yet to be named, but with the history of DT the new drummer will be absolutely phenomenal. He better be, as he has huge shoes to fill. Now on to the music and a warning: this blog is a review of studio albums only, no live or bootleg recordings have been included.
Yes, there is an album that came out in 1989 called When Day and Dream Unite. Although the music is good, this release was not one of my favorites. This album contained Charlie Dominici as vocalist and I will admit, this is why I was initially turned off by DT. Then in January 1991, DT announced new vocalist James Labrie. This change created the monster that is Dream Theater. This is where it begins. Released in 1992, Images and Words is an excellent album and produced the song Pull Me Under (one of my favorites to this day) and Metropolis Part 1.
That song is massive. The last show I saw them play, Pull Me Under was the closer. Epic!
Next up is Awake, 1994, an album that I still consider my favorite to this day followed closely by Black Clouds and Silver Linings (their most recent). My favorite song on this album is not even the heaviest tune, it's one of the slower ones called Innocence Faded.
My second favorite tune on this album is Erotomania. Great instrumental and a pleasure to hear live.
Next "studio" album up is A Change Of Seasons. Released a year later, 1995. The album was what I feel a toss out to the fans. A "Thank You" for the people that had become believers of what DT was doing. Although this album only has 5 songs. 3 of these are over 10 minutes in length and 2 of these are medleys of classic songs by Zeppelin (track 4 medley of 3 classic songs, live), Kansas, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Queen and Journey. These songs are epic and this album is a fun listen.
My favorite song on the album is A Change of Seasons and this track is 23 minutes long. It is quite a journey. I am also a Zeppelin fan and here is the Zeppelin Medley:
Next in line is Falling Into Infinity. Released in the fall of 1997. Although the music is good, this is not one of my favorite albums. I prefer the heavier element and this album seemed to be more of a commercial push than the previous efforts. Good music throughout and great moments in music, just not my favorite. Do I totally skip this album? Absolutely not. This is the cd I choose to mellow out to if I'm feeling the need to sit back and relax. Favorite track on this one you ask??? Burning My Soul (LP Version), this is the heaviest song with dark overtones that truly drive this album and is a song that DT still plays live on occasion.
Live version of Burning My Soul taken from the DVD 5 years in a Livetime.
The next studio release is what many Dream Theater fans call their swansong, Metropolis Part 2: Scenes from a Memory. Released in October 1999, it's an excellent recording. Strange Deja Vu [Scene Two] is my favorite song. I like the way it flows and in my opinion is a very rocking song. My next favorite on this release is the song that precedes it on the album, Overture 1928 [Scene Two]. These two songs flow well together and when played live, the crowd usually goes wild. Here is the live video of both songs performed in order from the DVD Dream Theater - Metropolis 2000: Scenes From New York.
The next album Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence was released in 2002. This album was a monster. It was released as a two-disc set. The first disc containing 5 songs and second disc containing one song, divided up into 8 movements at just over 42 minutes. Massive can only start to describe this recording. Another of my favorite DT tracks is on this album. The Glass Prison is a killer guitar driven, keyboard filled tune that is yet another fan favorite.
My next selection from this great album is The Test That Stumped Them All. This song is killer and has every element that Dream Theater is famous for. Great Keyboard, Guitar, Bass and Drumming. Excellent...
Next up is an incredible album that really shook fans worldwide when it was released because it was their heaviest album to date. November 2003 saw the release of Train of Thought. Although this cd only has 7 tracks, this is an audio experience for any fan of heavy music. Here are my favorite two tracks from the disc. First up is the cd opener As I Am (Album Version).
My second selection is Endless Sacrifice (Album Version). I remember when I first heard this I was blown away. Almost like being pounded by a sonic wave. Such a great song.
2005 brought on the release of Octavarium. Studio album #9 and the end of their run on Atlantic records. Although in my circle of metal head friends the feeling was that Dream Theater had once again softened up, I still enjoyed the way this album flowed. It produced The Root Of All Evil, an excellent opening song, and my second favorite from the album, Panic Attack.
Now for Panic Attack:
Now that was an incredible song. Talk about being under-rated....
The next, and incredible, release was Systematic Chaos. The first release on the heavier label Roadrunner, marked the beginning of a new era, in my opinion. The CD was released in June 2007 and it blew almost every DT fan away. Heavy, pounding, melodic...that is how the majority of the reviews sounded from both fans and critics alike. What can I say? I love the heavier stuff and this is an absolutely great progressive metal album. My two favorite tracks from this record????
First up is Forsaken. Watch and listen, this song is great.
Next up is Constant Motion. Incredible guitar work on this one and probably why I like it so much.
Now to the grand finale. My favorite Dream Theater Album to date and also their most recent. Black Clouds & Silver Linings. I feel that this is their heaviest release to date and although there are only six songs on this recording, four of those are over 12 minutes in length. Picking two from this CD was not an easy task, every song is fantastic in my opinion, so here are my choices for your audio experience:
My second choice is the album opener A Nightmare To Remember. What a way to draw a listener in...
As you can tell, this is an incredible band that can truly overwhelm your audible senses and drive any listener to wanting more. If you are already a fan, remember that this is my opinion of 25 years of Dream Theater and here is the list of my favorite studio albums, favorite to least (a very difficult task, by the way). Thanks for checking this blog out.
1. Black Clouds and Silver Linings
2. Awake
3. Systematic Chaos
4. Train of Thought
5. Images and Words
6. Metropolis Part 2
7. Octavarium
8. A Change of Seasons
9. Falling Into Infinity
10. When Day and Dream Unite
I just want to take a minute and wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy a day of catching up with family, friends and loved ones. Sit back, watch some football, parades, football or whatever family traditions your families have (the SyFy channel is doing a Bond marathon). Finally, give thanks for what you have and the life you live.
I have been listening to some great music lately and have decided to create a random blog on what is now playing on my iPod and hopefully spread the word on some good tunes!
This is from Metallica's "Death Magnetic" and the whole album was a great return to form. This song has really become an anthem during their live shows that remind you of the classic chants during their classic tune "Creeping Death (LP Version)" Overall, a great way to start my day.
Up next is a very heavy tune from another bay area orignal, Testament "D.N.R. (Do Not Resuscitate)". This tune really gets the blood flowing and comes from their album The Gathering. Great stuff for any metal head.
Up next is the classic Pantera song "5 Minutes Alone". Great groove and killer guitar playing. It seems like anytime I hear this song it reminds me of the piece of crap that took Dimebag away from us and what I wouldn't give to have 5 minutes alone with him had he survived... (Any Pantera fan would agree!)
Up next is a great song from Zakk Wylde and his gang of metal thugs Black Label Society. "Stillborn" is one of my favorite songs from BLS and is often on my playlists as a feel-good tune. It simply rocks.
That is a taste of four great songs that I enjoy and currently am rocking. I suggest that you should check these songs out and keep the horns high!!!
First of all its Halloween and I am jamming this incredible new Forbidden cd, "Omega Wave". I must admit that this album is a true metal masterpiece. I will tell you that I have been following the progress of the recording of this album over the past couple of years and with its release this past week (Oct. 26) I could not be more satisfied with the results.
This album cover is reminiscent of the classic Forbidden album "Forbidden Evil" with the return of the red and blue skulls. You should never judge a book by the cover, but this cover screams metal. Now onto the songs:
1) Alpha Century-Instrumental that calms the listener before the storm
2) Forsaken at the Gates-Absolutely crushing tune. The guitar work is fantastic throughout and the intro riff with massive sweeps really sets the pace.
3) Overthrow-This must be Forbidden's anthem. This song has elements of thrash and melodic metal sewn together with some clean vocals thrown in
4) Adapt or Die-Once again incredible guitar work at the beginning and great classic thrash metal sound.
5) Swine-Slower tune with a light touch of heaviness with some grove and great mixture of heavy and mellow vocals.
6) Chatter-Guitar based tune that is the intro to Dragging my Casket
7) Dragging my Casket-Thrashy intro and tough riff thrown in with some galloping that is essential in any great thrash tune.
8) Hopenosis-I love the way this song starts out with a good, solid riff and starts into a melody that almost reminds me of classic Prong.
9) Immortal Wounds-All I can say is double bass intro. This song slays. May be by favorite as of now. Solo is incredible. Wow.
10) Behind the Mask-Nice riffing, great vocal lines, overall another great song.
11) Inhuman Race-Good song with an extended, shredding solo.
12) Omega Wave -Starts with a mid-paced riff and then rapidly increases to a great thrash pace. A great song to close out this great album.
Overall this album is a solid 9 out of 10. A great album from a legendary thrash band that have never gotten their due. Hardcore Forbidden fans need not worry. This is full of good stuff that will remind you of the Forbidden Evil days mixed with todays recording technology. If you are a fan of metal, Omega Wave needs to be in your collection.
Here is my review of the Virgin Mobile Samsung Intercept VMM910SMKIT18L. I recently have gone through a career change and had to make a choice of phone carriers in an attempt to save money. I used to have AT&T and with that came the $150 monthly bill with two iPhones, nothing more. They are great phones, but with money getting tight, my wife and I decided to give Virgin Mobile a try. As a lot of you are skeptical with Virgin Mobile, I must admit that after one week of using this phone, so far so good. I will tell you that my plan is the $40 unlimited web and messaging and 1200 monthly minutes. Coverage has been surprisingly good in Southwest VA and East Tennessee. I have not dropped a call (yet) and the Google experience is what a smartphone should be about. I have gotten some great battery life from this phone with moderate web and message usage. Typically charging the phone every 18-24 hours. I feel that is standard in todays smartphone world. A smartphone should get you through a work day with usage and this one does. Simple enough. The phone has a fairly responsive touch screen and a really good keyboard. There has been some lag with a handful of apps running, but not bad enough to make me angry. With a price of $249 and no contract, this is certainly a good deal. I will tell you that Virgin Mobile does "piggy-back" off the Sprint network. If you have poor Sprint coverage in your area, Virgin Mobile is not for you. As I stated earlier, coverage in my area is not bad and in my home I am showing 5 bars. Good enough for me. One complaint, I wish the camera had a flash. The picture quality is 3.2 mega and the few photos I have taken have been decent. Here is a shot of my daughter "cheesing".
Not bad for a camera on a phone! Virgin Mobile has 3 tiers of planning:
1) $25=unlimited web and messaging with 300 minutes
2) $40=unlimited web and messaging with 1200 minutes
3) $60=unlimited web, messaging and talk
I am currently happy with this set up and it appears that the more people that sign up for VM, the better the phones are getting. If you are unhappy with your service or price with AT&T or Verizon, you might give VM a shot.
I must admit that the thought has crossed my mind once before, but after reading my buddy Renfro's Halloween music and movie special, I had to chime in. I, too, love the fall. Football season, Basketball season and the season of the witch, Halloween. Ever since I was a kid, I have always thought of Halloween as my favorite holiday. It's the time of year, the weather, cool, creepy, and the sun is going down earlier and earlier. I always went to the Haunted Houses and typically had a great time but whenever I left the Haunted House, I always walked away with ideas on what I would have done to make it better. Scaring people. That's what it's all about.
If you read this this blog you already know that I am an avid fan of all things "Metal". Halloween is the time of year that most metal-heads call their own. I change the playlist of my ipod specifically for this reason. I like to "hear" Halloween during this time of year.
One of my favorite all-time songs for Halloween is "Scared" by Dangerous Toys. This song was inspired by Alice Cooper according to the band and I believe it I was in probably 9th grade in high school when I first heard it on Headbangers Ball. Absolutely pure cheese, but great none-the-less.
Hey Man I think I like being scared!
That is a great, fun song. Now on to the Evil Elvis...Danzig. This is a man that has taken Halloween themed music to another level. I have always enjoyed his music and no matter which of his previous bands(Misfits, Samhain) you listen to, there is always a hint of darkness, evil and Halloween. From the first Danzig album this is "Am I Demon"
Just listen to that riff by John Christ. Great guitarist, too bad he and Glen could not get along after the fourth Danzig album.
Now this is where I get a laugh from from most folks, but if you love your metal, King Diamond is your King of all things Halloween. I have no idea why I have enjoyed his music over the years, but I continue to listen to his stuff, album after album, and enjoy every bit of it. Here is "Halloween (Reissue) (Album Version)" from the King.
Finally a classic from one of my favorite bands Metallica, it's a little ditty called "The Thing That Should Not Be"
Those are some of the classic Halloween "vibed" songs that are on my playlist year after year. There is so much more that I jam out to, but those songs always make me think of Halloween.
There is one more, absolute classic that should be on everyone's playlist. As you will hear in the background children are crying and the music is intense. It brings a tear to my eye. Bottoms up...