Here is my review of the Virgin Mobile Samsung Intercept VMM910SMKIT18L
. I recently have gone through a career change and had to make a choice of phone carriers in an attempt to save money. I used to have AT&T and with that came the $150 monthly bill with two iPhones, nothing more. They are great phones, but with money getting tight, my wife and I decided to give Virgin Mobile a try. As a lot of you are skeptical with Virgin Mobile, I must admit that after one week of using this phone, so far so good. I will tell you that my plan is the $40 unlimited web and messaging and 1200 monthly minutes. Coverage has been surprisingly good in Southwest VA and East Tennessee. I have not dropped a call (yet) and the Google experience is what a smartphone should be about. I have gotten some great battery life from this phone with moderate web and message usage. Typically charging the phone every 18-24 hours. I feel that is standard in todays smartphone world. A smartphone should get you through a work day with usage and this one does. Simple enough. The phone has a fairly responsive touch screen and a really good keyboard. There has been some lag with a handful of apps running, but not bad enough to make me angry. With a price of $249 and no contract, this is certainly a good deal. I will tell you that Virgin Mobile does "piggy-back" off the Sprint network. If you have poor Sprint coverage in your area, Virgin Mobile is not for you. As I stated earlier, coverage in my area is not bad and in my home I am showing 5 bars. Good enough for me. One complaint, I wish the camera had a flash. The picture quality is 3.2 mega and the few photos I have taken have been decent. Here is a shot of my daughter "cheesing".
Not bad for a camera on a phone! Virgin Mobile has 3 tiers of planning:
1) $25=unlimited web and messaging with 300 minutes
2) $40=unlimited web and messaging with 1200 minutes
3) $60=unlimited web, messaging and talk
I am currently happy with this set up and it appears that the more people that sign up for VM, the better the phones are getting. If you are unhappy with your service or price with AT&T or Verizon, you might give VM a shot.
Now playing:
Joe Satriani
Black Swans and Wormhole Wizards
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