Monday, February 22, 2010

Another day at the office...

I'm taking a cue from my pal Anthony and creating a blog that will be totally random a lot of the time but, for the most part, I'll blog about music, movies, games, technology and parenthood.

I had jury duty today. I know that you are thinking that this is going to be about a horrible experience but, sorry to disappoint, I have no issues with the court system and doing my duties as a U.S. citizen. The real fun began with a trip to the local post office while on a morning break. My wife and were magically chosen for jury duty for the same day and during our morning break, after roll call, we had a hour to kill and decided to walk over to the Post Office and buy some stamps and get some cash back for the vending machines at the courthouse. The moment we walked in the door there was a line, 9:05am mind you, and that is where my bitch begins. One female postman (or post-woman, whichever you prefer)was working the desk, approximately 6 people in line, and for some reason there are three other postmen standing around, not assisting the people, who from what I gather, pay their salaries with our hard earned money. I'm not sure who was in charge at this post office this morning but this is not the first time I have encountered this same issue. Even better, a second lines opens up and when I walk up to the desk the women looks at me in disgust, as if she just had to help me. Come on...I know that it can be crappy catering to customers (I too work in the retail industry) but if you work at the post office, you make pretty good money, have pretty good benefits and get every holiday off. In this day in time you should be happy you have a decent job and you should damn sure act like you enjoy it when your customers are around you. I think back to the late 80's when the terminology "Goin' Postal" was created. All I can say is suddenly I understand.


  1. I enjoyed this rant and I agree, they should all be thankful they have work. I see why Newman was the way he was.

  2. Damn bro, just found this once I started my google buzz account for this new phone. I guess I am gonna have to start a blog now too.
