Friday, March 19, 2010

Shred is dead...Long live shred!!!

I remember reading that title many years ago on the cover of a Guitar World magazine and thinking that is completely ironic. As a fan of underground music and most certainly guitar instrumentalists I have decided to talk about a few non-mainstream guitarists. I have a love of metal that goes back nearly 30 years and the art of guitar has been driving that love all along. I am a huge fan of Joe Satriani and on one fateful day back in 1987 I went to the "Record Bar" at my local mall and discovered "Surfing with the Alien". My world changed. Forever. I'm not going to blog about Satch today but I am going to start a blog about a few guys that have taken instrumental guitar rock to a new level. The first guitarist I'm going to introduce is Jeff Loomis. He is from the band "Nevermore" and is my first non-mainstream guitarist that I want to discuss. I will admit that I am not a die hard fan of Nevermore but I knew of Loomis through the guitar community and he is an incredible player. Loomis released an album called Zero Order Phase. This album is absolutely incredible. If you are a guitarist this album needs to be in your collection. It is not a Nevermore CD. I repeat, it is not a Nevermore CD. On this CD Loomis takes his playing to the next level and really shows off a talent that few guitarists will ever achieve.
The following song is "Jato Unit" and is a standout track on "Zero Phase Order"

Here is "Miles of Machines" from what appears to be a signing session at a Guitar Center. Fantastic shredding!!! Listen to the fans scream around the 3'30" mark.

If you like guitar based music then you need to give this CD a listen. Loomis is a shredder and he will blow your mind. Horns up!!!\m/

Who will be the next shredder of choice??? Stay tuned...

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