I guess you could say this blog is for the older "metal" crowd out there, however the album that I'm about to review is a classic that should be in every metal fans catalog. Dokken, yes, I know, hair metal, glam metal, whatever metal you want to call it, unleashed this incredible album back in November 1987. I was in high school and I promise you that this album was "Heaven Sent". The album is a complete masterpiece from the album cover, the Dokken Coat of Arms, through all 13 tracks of classic rockin' metal. To quote Ricky Bobby, this album pisses excellence. As a fan of guitars I will tell you that guitarist George Lynch was playing his heart out on this album. Incredible riffs, massive solos and an all around great vibe. Some fans call this Lynch's swansong. I don't necessarily agree, but at the same time I don't disagree. His playing on Back for the Attack is certainly some of the best guitar rock from this decade and unfortunately was the beginning of the end of Dokken. This record made them more popular than ever, it achieved platinum sales status, spawned multiple top 20 hits and within two years the band broke up. Dokken's main line up throughout the 80's was Don Dokken, vocals, George Lynch, guitars, Jeff Pilson, bass and Wild Mick Brown, drums. That was a lot of great talent to be tied in together and unfortunately this would cause the band to implode. Now on to the music:
Track Listing:
1) Kiss of Death
2) Prisoner
3) Night by Night
4) Standing in the Shadows
5) Heaven Sent
6) Mr. Scary
7) So Many Tears
8) Burning Like a Flame
9) Lost Behind the Wall
10) Stop Fighting Love
11) Cry of the Gypsy
12) Sleepless Night
13) Dream Warriors
The album starts off full blast with Kiss of Death. This song screams metal.
Fan Favorite Heaven Sent
Pure cheese, right?
For fans of shredding guitar, Mr. Scary
Another hit, Burning Like a Flame
Now my personal favorite from this album, Sleepless Night
Finally the album closer and a video that defines 80's cheese and hair metal, Dream Warriors
If you are a fan of metal, you owe it to yourself to pick up a copy of this classic record. The good news is that this day and time you can pick this up for a couple of bucks used and even find new copies for around $5.00. Friends, this is one that you can't go wrong with.
Do I even need to say what is now playing on my iPod?
Back for the Attack
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