Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Presidential/Political Moment

I got the urge to write this after watching President Obama's speech on TV tonight live from Arizona.  I will be the first to admit that I am not a huge fan of Obama but as he is the leader of the free world and the country that I love, I will support him.  Do I agree with all of his decisions, no, but if he has a vision that he feels will make this country better, well let's give it a try.  The tragedy in Arizona is appalling.  I hope that Senator Gabrielle Giffords makes a full recovery as well as the other 13 injured.  The thought of losing a daughter scares me to death.  The fact that the young girl (6 years old) that was savagely killed was actually born on 9-11-01 actually chokes me up.  Watching President Obama speak to the free world tonight and seeing him almost choke up when speaking of this young girl only shows to me that his heart was being tugged on by this horrible incident. With the weight of the United States on his shoulders, he carried on and spoke of visions of a better people and a better United States.  I want that.  You should want that.  It makes me sick to know that this shooter can kill 6 people and injure 14 others and still be alive.  How, better yet Why???  I hate the thought of revenge, but when you take out your anger on innocent people, be prepared for pain.  When a tragedy like this happens I always think to myself where is the Frank Castle or Mack Bolan of this world?  I hate to bring up fictional characters to believe in, but those two are people that I grew up reading and believing in.  I read an article earlier this year about the vigilantes in Seattle (  Talk about something to believe in.  Those guys are truly hero's in ever sense of the word.  My rant is now over but my heart is still heavy with the painful thoughts of this terrible tragedy.  It will get better, America will be better.

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